Nature where I live is a bit confused. Daffodils are blooming, crocuses are blooming, and it is just mid February!

Crocuses mid 2/2015

Confused Crocuses mid 2/2015

daffodils 2/2015

Confused Daffodils mid 2/2015

Being confused is not bad.  Even these daffodils are telling us something about our weather which we need to be aware of and act upon.

On a personal level, when I am confused – it doesn’t always feel good, but it is a sign to me that I need to check-into my own well-being, and investigate what is going on in my life and with myself. It also might mean, I need to “lighten up” and let go.

History and experience tell us that moral progress comes not in comfortable and complacent times, but out of trial and CONFUSION.”  – Gerald R. Ford

flowering fruit tree

Confused flowering fruit tree mid 2/2015

The turmoil and confusion of the Civil War, the Civil Rights Movement, Civil Rights Act, and the Women’s Movement brought us positive change in the past. Now the confusion around Climate Change and the Living Wage Movement are bringing into question scientific evidence, social justice, and equity issues in the USA. Thank you, CONFUSION!

This TED talk  creates a humorous atmosphere of confusion by Reggie Watt; it is called metamodernism:


Daphne bush

Confused Daphne bush mid 2/2015

My last thoughts about why confusion can be helpful and useful:

When we humans are open to others and confused, it is harder for us to be arrogant, and we are more likely to surrender control. Thus, we tend to be more open to learning something new, asking for help, and are more willing to work with others. These are some behaviors that this planet could use a lot of.


Confused Snowbells mid 2/2015

“I pretty much try to stay in a constant state of confusion just because of the expression it leaves on my face.”  

  –   Johnny Depp

